And thus we come to the end of
another year, and the beginning of another yearly wrap up post on
this space! :-)
I remember the start of 2013. I was so so so sick of 2012 that I was literally counting down the seconds, and
waiting for 2013 to start and I wanted to make the most of it. I had this whole
checklist planned and things that I wanted to do and cross off my list. I even
had a mid-way sorta post roundabout my birthday telling you all what I have
been up to until then...
You ask me what happened after
that? After May? :-) …
Well, what do I say?
“I had plans.. big big plans!! But then,
life intervened!” :-P :-P
Naah, nothing of that sort… I just
became a big ol’ bag of lazybones, and stayed in the comfort zone and refused
to budge from there, literally transforming into a couch potato. Didn’t feel
the need or the push to do anything, and was so happy staying in my metaphorical
couch and pajamas! Didn’t read as many books as I wanted to, didn’t go out as
much as I wanted to, didn’t write as much as I wanted to and gave all and
sundry the excuse that I was contemplating the realities of life ;-) :-P
And contemplate I did! :P Wrote a
couple of preachy posts about the 20s and then wrapped myself up in a cocoon,
gave in to excuses of not going out anywhere and not doing anything new, save a
few times! :-) Either ways, I did enjoy the time and the space and the introspections!!
You know, how sometimes you look back
at a period of time and you think, did this really happen? Did I actually
experience all this? That’s how 2013 was to me... Honestly, the past year seems like a big blur
to me. It went by so fast that before I knew it, it was a half year and now it
is the year end… this year has not been without its fair share of happenings
though… Now as I think about it, I realize how much has happened this past
year, how much of it I was a part of and how much I was a spectator to… Nothing
world-shattering, but still pretty much adds to the “lessons learnt” bag! :-)
If 2012 taught me that things can change in the blink of an eye, 2013 taught me
how fragile all interactions are… It made me realize that everything is a
two-way street... And by that I mean, EVERY.SINGLE.THING. …. Family. Relationships.
Friendships. Work life. You give. You expect. You take. Simple logic.
I always like the start of a new
year. It’s symbolic. It’s like a chance of a clean slate in a very figurative
way. Newfangled experiences. Fresh starts.
My wish for this NEW YEAR…
In the words of Neil Gaiman…
“May your coming year be filled with
magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss
someone who thinks you're wonderful, And don't forget to make some art -- write
or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the
next year, you surprise yourself.
I hope you will have a wonderful
year, That you'll dream dangerously and outrageously, That you'll make something
that didn't exist before you made it, That you will be loved and that you will
be liked, And that you will have people to love and to like in return.
And, most importantly (Because I
think there should be more kindness and more wisdom in the world right now), That
you will, when you need to be, be wise, and that you will always be kind.”
And make the most of it ... :-) :-)
I am planning to! :-D :-D