Sunday, April 27, 2008

TASHAN - Attitude or Desire!!??!

We went for this movie yday - Tashan - .. quite an impulsive decision that was considering the fact that we woke up at half past ten and then decided to go for the 12:00 PM show..!! Thankfully we got tickets... for all its worth, its good if u r not watching Tashan in a multiplex paying thru ur nose... 'coz then u might as well end up cribbing abt it..

Story starts off in a very good way, nice pace and all that, but somewhere along the way it gets jaded..!! And jaded in the sense that then u r wondering where the director went wrong and whose whims and fancies he had to comply to... Kareena looks good in the first half and too thin in the second half.. she tries to be a seductress-spunky-good-looking femme fatale all rolled into one which takes some getting used to esp since somewhere along the way she loses track of handling herself... Akshay looks good but his character sucks bigtime with its villager outlook.. Saif looks really hot and carries himself well through out the movie... Anil Kapoor tries to be a funny don wanting to learn english and all that jazz...

The costumes are tacky, Kareena's dancing needs to be worked on.. its amazing how they show only her upper torso when it comes to dancing and not her footwork.. ;-)... but must say that she has improved a bit..

The movie is quite reminiscient of RACE in some bits, fast paced at times and then somehow crawling at a snail's pace at other times... bringing with it a flashback that interconnects 3 of those characters..!!.. quite hindi-filmish at the end..!! Somehow that spoils the entire movie for you..

So verdict on Tashan is, spend no more than what u spend at ur local theatres.. going and watching it in a multiplex will amount to a lot of cribbing at the end...! :-)

SAIF ROCKS though..!! :)


  1. I already had got a round of review. The reviewer "dint understand the story" at all :-D
    Got to get back to the good ol' MUA wednesdays of watching all crappy hindi movies on after the other :D

  2. That reviewer happens to be me! :)
    I can't believe u managed to give it brownies here n thr.. :) Was hoooorrrrrible,I thought!
    In comparison, RACE is 100 times better.Saif looked hotter in race :-p and I had pinned ALLLLL my hopes on him when we went to watch this one..but then i was quite disappointed. I thought Kareena looked good after she had shed lot of pounds..Chaliya chaliya song compared with yeh mera dil from Don was like Sounth n North poles! But then what good does she do to add worth to movie for a bunch of gossiping gals! :-S
    Akshay n Anil kapoor were worse, I thought!
    Overall - damp squib!

  3. kadha paranju tharanam.. ingane vaachakamadichaal pora

  4. @ Soorya --> Yup... point noted...!! but I am a lil' biased towards SAIF so u can understand ;)

    @ RAT --> appo ithuvare katha paranju thanille..!! :)

  5. nahiiiii.. patichuuu..
    mikavarum njaan orennam pottikkum!


Grahanam - A review!

It has been quite some time since I penned something on this blog, and even longer, since I wrote a movie review. But there is no good time ...