Monday, January 13, 2014

HOPE prevails!! :) :) - Day 11 of the 100 Happy Days Challenge :) :)

Can you believe it’s Monday already? And it’s one of the worst Monday’s over. Dreary and dull … full of the worst kind of blues…I could hardly keep my eyes open and I was ready to just take an off and go home and sleep. Yes! Seriously!! So dull… so mundane…

But I had to stay the whole day at work… and pull through… and that’s when this lil’ piece of art, caught my eye…

It was on my colleague’s desk.. Right in front of me... I keep staring at it every now and then not that I hadn't noticed it before, but this time, it rang out to me bright and cheerful… Such a heady mix and match of colors eh… I asked him where he picked it up from… Yes! You guessed it… I wanted one like that! Turns out it was done by this artist called Britto… who does commission art and portraits in and around the world including Singapore. Well… what would my life be without Google eh! And his site told me that they are revamping the online store or something like that… HUMPH!!! :-/

Oh well.. I will get my hands on them – BRITTO WORDS – one of these days… patience and HOPE my friend ;-) ;-) :P :P

And HOPE that everything every day every time turns out fine…

"As long as we have memories, yesterday remains…
As long as we have HOPE, tomorrow awaits!!!"

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